Strong Weddings
Modest weddings strategically 2015

The wedding hair should be special, highlight the beauty of the bride and usefully supplement its image. Wedding trends change every year, although there is a stubborn one that will never become obsolete! What do the stylist say? What are the fashion trends in wedding hairs waiting for us in 2015? How do you choose the perfect layout?
Let's just say, in 2015, stylists make a bet on feminine and lacony salads!
Several wedding selection boards:
- Dark hair makes a bride more mature: to look younger, hair takes back, doesn't make a shuttle.
- Blond hair looks better with cos, and dark ones look better;
- High brides should avoid voluminous hairs, give preference to locoons or cosams;
- Low-growth brides are better off from low beacons and tailings, but bet on bulk packs, diadems and other accessories that visually extend the figure;
- You'll have to consider the shape of your face when you choose it. For a square face, a haircut with a rounded shuttle can be released on the side, so the layout will be more natural.
Most of the haircuts are suited to ovarians: beautiful and correct features better emphasize dark and saturated colour. Girls with the face of " hearts " are treated with cudders in the lower part of the laying, as well as broad and woefully. If the face is round, it needs to be visually lengthened, you can make a omebre dye (low dark tones, upwards light) from voluminous shags and buns on the side, you don't have to make a long bear. An oval person will have an elongated shuttle, volume from the side of the porn;
- It's better for the wheat dress to choose a beautiful layout, but without a body of decorative elements. The silhouette dresses may be supplemented by dissolved and salaried locoons. If the dress is strict, the hair must be elegant, but simple. Siluet Ampir, Greek style It looks harmoniously with the salons and cos. Short dresses are badly combined with voluminous hairs - focus on simplicity;
- In 2015, naturality is in fashion, so the hair colour must be natural, saturated and beautiful. Coloring and melting are still in the past, at the peak of popularity the honey and brown hair shades;
- Experiment with the probe, the shuttle, the salads, make the test hair, then you'll know better what's in your style and what's categorically opposed.

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