Japanese Clothing Style

10 exotic japanese fashion styles
Kawaii (Кавай) стиль
10 экзотических стилей японской моды

1. Sukeban (performance line/essay)

Transferring from Japanese “suke” is a woman, and “ban” means “boss”. Sukeban's supporters used to know that they formed women's gangs where they robbed and attacked people. For the first time, these groups appeared in the 1960s, and " thank " were followed by gangs known as the Bancho, which brought together young men who wanted to go to the yakuza, the Japanese mafia.

All Sukeban groups differ by number of participants, and the largest group was the Women ' s Delinquency Alliance Canto, which included about 20,000 bars. By the way, hostile groups often face each other in fighting and fighting. In addition, all Sukeban ' s associations adhere to strict rules, the failure of which may be punishable by both lynching and more severe repression against the perpetrators, including the softest method of execuation - cigarette burning. A clothing style Sukeban groups have approximately the following: the top of the shape of a sailor, and the bottom is a flat skirted skirt. By the way, they're snooping their uniform.

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